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Why do you not offer refunds on discounted itemsUpdated 4 months ago

For full transparency, processing returns is an expensive process for a business and the cost of processing returns is not implemented into the price of our items. Costs included with processing a return are:

  • Shipping costs returning the item back to us tracked.
  • Our fulfilment center charges us for time spent manually checking, processing and steaming all returns then re-bagging and restocking them. This is charged per item.
  • Cost of new packaging for return items including barcodes
  • Our returns portal software has a monthly fee as well as charging for every single order that is processed.
  • Payment transaction fees are not refunded to us when we refund an order.

This very quickly adds up, hence why we are in the position of only being able to offer a refund on full priced orders - as processing a refund costs us more than just the refund amount going to the customer.

We hope this provides some more clarity on our refunds process and we hope that our customers can make an informed decision at checkout, prioritising whether they'd like to use a discount code, or shop at full price knowing a refund will be available.

If you have any other questions about our returns policy, please get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you!

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